What are the "Chances" that you Exist?
February 26, 2015Those who persist in their denial of God, preferring instead to account for the universe (and you) by an appeal to the combination of matter + chance + time, may want to reconsider. Continue reading . . .
Those who persist in their denial of God, preferring instead to account for the universe (and you) by an appeal to the combination of matter + chance + time, may want to reconsider. Here is how Andrew Wilson put it:
“Life as we know it requires proteins, and proteins are formed by combining twenty different amino acids in the right order. A simple protein might have 100 amino acids in a chain, which means that the likelihood of assembling a protein correctly by blind chance is around 1 in 10 [with 130 0’s to follow], or smaller than the odds of winning the lottery eighteen times in a row. And that’s just one protein. When we remember that life s we know it requires hundreds of thousands of proteins, we quickly become amazed by the fact that we exist at all” (If God, Then What? Wondering Aloud About Truth, Origins & Redemption, IVP, 2012, p. 73).
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