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Enjoying God Blog

What-the-Old-Testament-Authors-Really-Cared-About-A-Survey-of-Jesus-BibleWhat the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About: A Survey of Jesus’ Bible, edited by Jason S. DeRouchie

This is truly a remarkable resource for the student of Scripture, especially those who’ve struggled to understand the Old Testament and how it relates to the New Testament. Jason DeRouchie has assembled an impressive team of scholars who explain the nature and flow of the Old Testament with an eye toward its fulfillment in the coming of Christ. Unlike your standard (and all too often stodgy) survey of the Old Testament, this volume is written in a vibrant and engaging style and is visually stunning. But best of all, it is distinctively Christ-centered. This will be the book to which I send all future inquisitive students of God’s Word. I highly recommend it. Keep reading...


What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About: A Survey of Jesus’ Bible, edited by Jason S. DeRouchie (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 2013), 496 pp.

Number 8 on my list is a change of pace from the first two. You might be surprised to find here an introduction to and survey of the Old Testament. But trust me, it’s not like the ones you’ve read before. I was asked to provide an endorsement for the book, and here is what I wrote:

“This is truly a remarkable resource for the student of Scripture, especially those who’ve struggled to understand the Old Testament and how it relates to the New Testament. Jason DeRouchie has assembled an impressive team of scholars who explain the nature and flow of the Old Testament with an eye toward its fulfillment in the coming of Christ. Unlike your standard (and all too often stodgy) survey of the Old Testament, this volume is written in a vibrant and engaging style and is visually stunning. But best of all, it is distinctively Christ-centered. This will be the book to which I send all future inquisitive students of God’s Word. I highly recommend it.”

This is the sort of volume that you can dip into wherever your curiosity may lead. You need not read it cover to cover (although that would be perfectly ok!). Each chapter is devoted to a book or collection of books in the Old Testament, and the volume concludes with a Bible-reading plan that takes you through the entire Word of God in one year.

I have to admit I’m a bit prejudiced in favor of this volume, if only because Jason is associate professor of Old Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis, a school on whose board of trustees I’m honored to serve. But I assure you, even if I didn’t know Jason personally I would recommend this book without reservations. If you feel inadequate in your grasp of the Old Testament, or you simply need a refresher, this one’s for you!

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