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Enjoying God Blog

Those of you who love Jonathan Edwards as I do are probably asking yourselves: “What do you mean Jonathan Edwards on Romans? He never wrote a commentary on Romans. In fact, he never wrote a commentary on any biblical book!” Continue reading . . .

Those of you who love Jonathan Edwards as I do are probably asking yourselves: “What do you mean Jonathan Edwards on Romans? He never wrote a commentary on Romans. In fact, he never wrote a commentary on any biblical book!”

That’s right. But Edwards wrote extensively on this most important and influential of Paul’s letters. He preached numerous sermons on Romans and there are countless references to it, both briefly and at length, in his Miscellanies, his Notes on Scripture, his Blank Bible, and in other places in the vast corpus of his writings.

John Gerstner, now with the Lord, was asked by Perry Miller of Harvard to edit a volume of Edwards’s sermons on Romans, a task that he began but never brought to fruition. David Lovi and Ben Westerhoff have taken up the task and brought it to completion. In the Introduction to this volume they explain:

“Readers of this Romans commentary will be pleased to possess almost everything Edwards has ever written, gleaned from his massive corpus concerning the book of Romans, the exception being only a very small amount of un-transcribed material. In addition, we have included the sermon explication portions of all of Edwards’s sermons on Romans” (xi).

So, even for those of you who don’t know much about Edwards but long to go more deeply into Paul’s letter to the Romans, I bring to your attention this important and long-awaited volume:

The Power of God: A Jonathan Edwards Commentary on the Book of Romans, edited and compiled by David S. Lovi & Benjamin Westerhoff (Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2013), 388 pp.


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