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Enjoying God Blog


J. I. Packer has an uncanny knack for identifying and dissecting the unhealthy trends that exist in evangelicalism. Nowhere is this better seen than in his book, A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life (Crossway). Here he singles out three groups who have gone astray and then asks how the Puritans might be of help to them. He begins with those he calls “restless experientialists.”

“Those whom I call restless experientialists are a familiar breed, so much so that observers are sometimes tempted to define evangelicalism in terms of them. Their outlook is one of casual haphazardness and fretful impatience, of grasping after novelties, entertainments, and ‘highs’, and of valuing strong feelings above deep thoughts. They have little taste for solid study, humble self-examination, disciplined meditation, and unspectacular hard work in their callings and their prayers. They conceive the Christian life as one of exciting extraordinary experiences rather than of resolute rational righteousness. They dwell continually on the themes of joy, peace, happiness, satisfaction and rest of soul with no balancing reference to the divine discontent of Romans 7, the fight of faith of Psalm 73, or the ‘lows’ of Psalms 42, 88 and 102. Through their influence the spontaneous jollity of the simple extrovert comes to be equated with healthy Christian living, while saints of less sanguine and more complex temperament get driven almost to distraction because they cannot bubble over in the prescribed manner. In their restlessness these exuberant ones become uncritically credulous, reasoning that the more odd and striking an experience the more divine, supernatural, and spiritual it must be, and they scarcely give the scriptural virtue of steadiness a thought” (30).

These, says Packer, “have fallen victim to a form of worldliness, a man-centred, anti-rational individualism, which turns Christian life into a thrill-seeking ego-trip. Such saints need the sort of maturing ministry in which the Puritan tradition has specialised” (31).

As one would expect from Packer, he believes the Puritan tradition has a remedy for this:

“First, the stress on God-centredness as a divine requirement that is central to the discipline of self-denial. Second, the insistence on the primacy of the mind, and on the impossibility of obeying biblical truth that one has not yet understood. Third, the demand for humility, patience, and steadiness at all times, and for an acknowledgment that the Holy Spirit’s main ministry is not to give thrills but to create in us Christlike character. Fourth, the recognition that feelings go up and down, and that God frequently tries us by leading us through wastes of emotional flatness. Fifth, the singling out of worship as life’s primary activity. Sixth, the stress on our need of regular self-examination by Scripture, in terms set by Psalm 139:23-24. Seventh, the realisation that sanctified suffering bulks large in God’s plan for his children’s growth in grace” (31).

To be continued . . .


A welcome breath of much needed biblical fresh air applied to the realism of life! Looking forward to more.

Another book by Packer with a similar theme: "Keeping in Step with the Spirit." A good discussion on what the Spirit is really interested in with respect to our Sanctification. Actually, the doctrine that has fallen on hard times is "progressive sanctification." The modern "grace movement" amongst other errors only wants to recognize our "positional sanctification," promoting a frivolous joy seeking. There is boundless joy in the Christian life -- read Phillipians -- but it is experienced in the daily walk with God and submission to his word as the Spirit conforms us to the image of Christ.

how precious also are Your thoughts to us, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Lead us in the everlasting way.

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