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Enjoying God Blog

If you are wanting an introduction to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, this book is for you. If you are already knowledgeable in the gifts of the Spirit, this is the book for you as well. It is a source book for the seasoned Christian. You should secure extra copies to give away. No one is more able to produce a balanced book like this than Dr. Sam Storms. With a solid background in the Word and the Spirit, he has written a book that will be edifying and God-honoring.

R. T. Kendall.
Minister of Westminster Chapel (1977-2002)

One drop of strength from the Divine Helper is better than a lifetime of committee meetings, strategy sessions and building programs. Apart from the power of the Holy Spirit, we do not have what it takes to love people and lead them to Christ. Yet, because of the Spirit’s power, we have everything we need! Many Christians, however, are confused. We wonder how to have a relationship the Spirit. Are the gifts of the Spirit for our time? For my life? If so, how do I access and use them? Essential questions in these last days. For that reason, this book is a timely resource. Sam Storms writes with the heart of a pastor and the skill of a scholar. His preparation is impressively thorough and detailed. This book will serve as a go-to tool for all of us who seek to walk in the Spirit.”

Max Lucado
Teaching Minister
Oak Hills Church

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