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Enjoying God Blog

I’m happy to announce that Jack Deere’s new book is now available for purchase at Amazon.com. The title is, Why I Am Still Surprised by the Power of the Spirit: Discovering How God Speaks and Heals Today (Zondervan, 320 pages).

If you’re wondering if this is a reprint of his earlier best-selling book, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, the answer is No. Although there is much here that appeared in that earlier volume, Jack has written a new work that provides new insights and numerous verified examples of God’s supernatural work today. Here is what I wrote for an endorsement.

When my good friend Dr. Jack Deere asked me in 1992 to read and critique the manuscript of his book, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit (Zondervan, 1993), I was at first honored and later overwhelmed by its persuasive and, in my opinion, irrefutable argumentation. I remain convinced that it was the most important evangelical book of the decade of the 1990’s. Now, much to my delight, he has extensively re-written that book, although his convictions about what the Bible says concerning the Holy Spirit remain the same. With new stories of verified healings and testimonies of the life-changing power of the prophetic, Jack has “surprised” me once again. Over 25 years have passed since his book was first released, and a new generation of Christians, largely unfamiliar with its publication, stands in great need of the profound biblical and practical insights that Jack brings to bear on this subject. Get it, read it, and discover why Jack is “still” surprised by the person and power of the Spirit.

Get it! Read it! Enjoy it!

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