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Enjoying God Blog

Oh, to be free from all sin! Will it ever happen? Yes, in heaven. Take in the words of Richard Baxter:

“Therefore, Christian, never fear this: once you are in heaven, you will sin no more. Is this not glad news to you who have prayed, watched, and labored against sin for so long? I know if you had the choice, you would choose to be freed from sin rather than be made heir of all the world. Well, wait until then, and you will have your desire. That hard heart, those vile thoughts that lie down and rise with you, that accompany you to every duty, that you could no more leave behind than leave your very self behind, will now be left behind forever. They might accompany you to death, but they cannot proceed a step further.

Have no doubt, we will no longer retain this rebelling principle that is constantly withdrawing us from God and addicting us to backsliding. We will no more be oppressed with the power of our corruptions or vexed with their presence. No pride, passion, slothfulness, or senselessness will enter with us; no strangeness to God and to the things of God; no coldness of affections or imperfection in our love; no uneven walking or grieving of the Spirit; no scandalous action or unholy walking. We will rest from all these forever” (64).

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