Check out the new Convergence Church Network! 

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Enjoying God Blog


I’m happy to announce that today marks the formal launch of the Convergence Church Network. Considerable prayer and planning have gone into the formation of this new network of Word and Spirit churches, and we hope that many of you will find it both encouraging and edifying.

We won’t take the time in this announcement to explain why we formed the network or the many ways that it will be of immense benefit to your local church. All of that and considerably more information can be found at our website. Go to and explore it thoroughly. We look forward to hearing back from many of you.

God bless you, and happy new year!

Board of Directors

Sam Storms, Executive Director
Michael Rowntree, Lead Pastor of Bridgeway Church, OKC, OK
Michael Miller, Lead Pastor of Reclamation Church, Denver, CO
Josh Lewis, Lead Pastor of King’s Fellowship, Ada, OK
Hayden Hefner, Pastor of Discipleship, Bridgeway Church, OKC, OK
Chris Jurrens, Certified Financial Planner and Elder at Bridgeway Church, OKC, OK
Krista Meyer, Administrative Director of CCN


How are you address issues of discernment in this network?

Isn’t this the same group of people that have been very supportive of Mike Bickle? Do you have other people that have the gift of discernment that you’ll bring into your leadership?
Greetings from southern Germany. I'm so happy about this move. May God bless this formation not only in the USA, but (God willing) also in Germany and Europe! :-)
We are a church that is just edging toward full acceptance of all the gifts. We are a work in progress. Are we still eligible?
Amen. May this church network grow, and help the whole body of Christ be as Christ always intend His people to be, a people who worship Him in spirit and in truth.

I hope churches in Canada get on board as well. God bless!
While perusing the CCN website I note that under resources and recommended books that the first book recommended is by Mike Bickle. Given the current scandal he has brought on the church you might want to rethink recommending this book, even if the contents are good.

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