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Enjoying God Blog


I’m happy to announce that the plenary sessions from our recent Convergence Conference will be made available at noon today, central time. You can find them at either of these two websites: or

It was an incredible week and God was pleased to bless us with his manifest presence and power. Many were healed and their testimonies will be posted at a later date. Even more were refreshed, empowered, and encouraged in their Christian lives.

The sessions were taught by me, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Jack Deere, Josh Kouri, Andrew Wilson, and our three worship leaders, Ryan Gikas, Charlie Hall, and Joel Limpic. I would especially urge you to watch the two sessions on healing by Andrew Wilson.

Our Question & Answer session, featuring yours truly, Andrew Wilson, and Jack Deere, will also be available. Some 125 questions were submitted, but we only had one hour in which to respond. So we had to be necessarily selective.

I would also like to strongly urge you to log on to the Bridgeway Church website, click on Resources, and watch Andrew Wilson’s sermon on Sunday morning (October 8) on what it means to be filled with the Spirit. I emphasize the word “watch” as Andrew’s presentation was greatly dependent on some visual props that you won’t want to miss.

Be blessed by this material and keep an eye out for news concerning future events related to Convergence!



Hi Sam!
Thanks so much for making these videos available. I'm here in a australia and incredibly blessed by your ministry into the evangelical charismatic world!
Just thought I would let you know, I went to play the videos. And on half of them, the audio doesn't work. Not sure what happened. Hopefully it's nothing major.

Dr. Storms,

I wanted to thank you for putting on the conference. By the time I heard about it, there was no way for me to attend. However, being able to listen to the sessions has been helpful and instructive. I still have one question, but am not sure if posting it in a comment is the best way of addressing it.

I was wondering why the moment referenced in the Q&A about what happened during Francis Chan's talk was not included. I feel that it would have been instructive to see the gift in operation and biblical order exercised.

In any case, thanks again and I look forward to more.

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