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Enjoying God Blog


What is it about Jesus that makes him worthy of your adoration and praise? What is it about Jesus that makes him irresistibly attractive? Why is he alone worthy of your whole-hearted allegiance and love?

Consider the portrait of Jesus in symbolic language. In Revelation 5:5 he is called “the Lion of the tribe of Judah,” but in Revelation 5:6 is also portrayed as the “Lamb” who had been slain, though now standing, because alive. So, which is he? Both! Jesus is both Lion and Lamb. And it is in this glorious juxtaposition of what appear to be two contrasting images that we find the answer to our question. Think about this for a moment:

The Lion in whom we find unimpeachable authority is also the Lamb who embodies humility and meekness in the highest degree.

The Lion who wields power and strength that none can resist is also the Lamb who walked this earth in weakness and suffering, resisting none.

The Lion who rules the world and governs its every move is also the Lamb who was meekly led to slaughter by his enemies.

The Lion who is known for his uncompromising commitment to righteousness is also the Lamb who overflows in love to sinners like you and me.

The Lion whose majestic beauty captivates the human heart is also the Lamb who condescended to take upon himself the likeness of a man and was, in appearance, quite ordinary and unimpressive.

The Lion who commands total obedience from everyone is also the Lamb who in his earthly life submitted himself in obedience to the law of God.

The Lion who is holy and pure beyond our wildest imagination is also the Lamb who is gracious and kind and tender-hearted to all.

The Lion who could silence a raging storm with a single word is also the Lamb who refused to speak or revile against those who nailed him to a cross.

The Lion who is life itself is also the Lamb who willingly dies for his enemies.

The Lion who is exalted high above the heavens, immeasurably beyond all of creation and myriads of angels, before whom the greatest and most powerful kings and commanders on earth are but a speck of dust on the balance, is also the Lamb who stooped low, who condescended to become one of us and suffer the trials and challenges put upon him by weak and sinful men.

The Lion who is in himself infinite holiness and righteousness and purity and power is also the Lamb who welcomes broken sinners into his presence and makes intimate friends of his enemies.

The Lion who in himself needs nothing, being altogether self-sufficient, is also the Lamb who gives and gives and then gives yet again so generously and abundantly.

The Lion who is in himself of such blinding glory and brilliance that adoring angels cover their faces is also the Lamb who humbled himself and identified with his creatures so that they might behold him and enjoy him forever.

The Lion who, as Paul says in Philippians 2, exists from all eternity in perfect equality with the Father and the Spirit, equal in all respects as to his divinity, is also the Lamb who in time and history humbled himself and took on the likeness of sinful men and women.

The Lion who is known for his majesty is also the Lamb who is known for his meekness.

The Lion who drove the robbers and thieves out of the Temple is also the Lamb who only days later allowed those very robbers and thieves to nail him to a cross.

The Lion who commands absolute obedience from his creatures is also the Lamb who in obedience honored every command of his Father.

The Lion who rightly burns with wrath against the rebellious and unbelieving is also the Lamb who in the place of the rebellious and unbelieving endured in his own body and soul that very wrath.

He is at one and the same time a Lion-like-Lamb and a Lamb-like-Lion without any inconsistency or contradiction.

Let us worship!



Worthy is the lamb who was slain! Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Do you need a lamb who can relate, intercede, and substitute or do you need a lion who can defend, protect, and roar? Turn to Christ - He alone is both
Dr. Storms,

Thank you for this. I first encountered your work as a senior in in a PCA high school. I’d found my way into more charismatic streams and found your book Convergence extremely helpful.

I also was deeply involved in the IHOP-KC movement for several years after. When I got involved I was unaware of your connection to Mike Bickle and his ministry. I’m sure you’re aware of the tragic situation unfolding there.

Between the serious allegations against Mike, his leadership team’s unwillingness to have an independent investigation, and the recent emergence of public allegations that the head of his leadership team has a history of mishandling sexual abuse claims, it’s all extremely concerning. From what I’ve gathered it appears to be headed for massive litigation, potentially bidirectional litigation.

I think I speak for many when I say that I wish someone of your stature - whose ministry has brought much unity between contentions streams of the church - could help play a mediator role between the various parties. At very least, your wisdom for many of us who feel caught in the crossfire would be invaluable.

Dr Storms,

Thank you for your rich ministry to the body of Christ. It is a true gift. I first engaged with your work as a senior in high school when I read Convergence. As someone who was raised PCA and later found my way into more charismatic streams, that book was very helpful.

I was also deeply involved with IHOP-KC for several years and have been closely following the very concerning situation unfolding including the allegations themselves against Mike Bickle, IHOP leaderships refusal to welcome an independent investigation, and serious public allegations about how some of those leading IHOP’s response have dealt with sexual assault allegations in the past (see Julie Roys coverage).

Given your longstanding connection to Mike and IHOPKC, as well as your “stream spanning” influence across the evangelical church I would love to see leaders like you involved in helping mediate the situation (or at a minimum share a some wisdom to help the Body of Christ navigate).


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