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Enjoying God Blog


In the interests of complete accuracy, I need to explain my final statement in the previous post. There I pointed out that I’m not on social media or Twitter / X. But the fact is that there is an automatic feature on my blog that posts my articles to Twitter / X as soon as I write them. So, in fact I do have a Twitter / X account, although I have never personally made use of it, nor have I ever read anyone else’s comments on Twitter. The person who oversees my website and blog reminded me of this today, so I thought it best to provide this update. In any case, don’t ever expect me to be active on Twitter / X or to post anything there. If you are signed up on my Twitter / X to receive notice of my articles, I assume you will continue to be notified when anything new is posted. I told you that I’m not technologically sophisticated or up to speed when it comes to social media, and now you know why!


1 Comment

I dont wanna suggest to make a 'coup d etat' or creating rival contending ministry or anything but IHOP is 'greater' than Mike Bickle or even any of its current leadership , someone need to save this movement and to overseer those flocks who are hurting , guide them to stay in course of what God has planned for IHOP while also deliver healing to the wounded . Again i dont wanna suggest a coup d'etat or creating IHOP's rival but i think those who are ex-IHOP members or still in IHOP they need true godly biblical overseering . I suggest you Mr. Sam Storm , Mr. Sullivan, Dwayne Roberts and Allen Hood would step up to the plate to save IHOP . But above of all ask God first if this is His will .

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