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Enjoying God Blog

A few weeks ago I notified you that my commentary on Romans was available for pre-order. I’m happy to announce that it is currently in stock at Amazon and will ship to you as early as next Tuesday.


This commentary is part of a series launched by Baker Academic in what they are calling The Word and Spirit New Testament Commentary series. Mine is the first volume released. Here are a couple of endorsements.


“Pastor-theologian Sam Storms offers a clear, insightful, accessible commentary on Romans to laypeople and students who desire to study God's Word from a Spirit-centered approach. This verse-by-verse commentary will equip Christians to recognize and praise God for his glorious work in Jesus Christ, which brings about our salvation.”


Karin Spiecker Stetina, Talbot School of Theology



“All who know Sam Storms will immediately recognize the appropriateness of him writing this commentary on Romans as part of the Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament. Like Paul's letter itself, which features the Word of God and the Spirit of God, Sam himself and his decades-long ministry emphasize both Scripture and the Holy Spirit as together needed for loving God, experiencing salvation, growing into the fullness of Christ, and serving in the church. A must read!”


Gregg R. Allison, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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