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Enjoying God Blog


I’m not being arrogant in claiming to know something about you that you yourself may not be aware of. My claim in this regard is clearly biblical, as you will shortly see. Mark Twain once said that the two most important days in a person’s life are the day he/she is born and the day he/she finds out why.


All of us know the day we were born. But do you know why? The answer to this question is stated clearly in 1 Peter 2:9. There the apostle writes:


“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”


There it is. You exist to do many things, chief among which is the proclamation, declaration,  praise and enjoyment of the “excellencies” of God.


What are the “excellencies” of God? I suppose the list of them could be endless. After all, God is infinite. Would it not make sense that there is an infinity of excellencies, most of which we will only discover and enjoy when we reach our final destination in the new heaven and new earth? But until then, consider these forty.


God is . . .

 Gracious – Basing his saving work for us on nothing other than his good pleasure.

 Loving – Always committed to doing for us what is best for our souls both now and in the age to come.

 Merciful – Treating us without regard for our pitiful and sinful state.

 Kind – Going beyond being nice, God treats us gently.

 Powerful – Such that there is nothing he can’t accomplish.

Omnipresent – Here, there, and everywhere.

 Omniscient – He knows all that can be known instantly, without having to read a book or study, or seek counsel.

 Omnipotent – He experiences no limitations to what he can do.

Just – None can impugn his decisions, as if he has violated a law.

 Righteous – He always acts in perfect conformity to his character.

Tender hearted – He not only love us, but feels deep and profound affection for his children.

Patient – He never flies off the handle, but waits and waits and waits.

 Longsuffering – As he waits, he endures much sin and failure on our part, but always in the end is there for us.

 Holy – He’s in a class all by himself.

 Majestic – His nature and deeds reflect a splendor that is unmatched.

 Beautiful – There is perfect harmony, symmetry, and stunning brilliance in his Being.

 Sympathetic – He does not watch our suffering from afar, but feels deeply for us in our pain.

 Wise – He never scratches his head, wondering what would be the best way to resolve a problem.

Pure – As the driven snow.

 Self-sufficient – Dependent on no one outside of himself.

 Glorious – Dazzling in all his deeds.

Splendid – Lacking nothing that would evoke our amazement.

 Triune – Mysteriously Three in One and One in Three.

Wrathful – Understandably and necessarily angry with sin and idolatry.

 Generous – Abounding beyond our expectations in what he gives.

Immutable – Neither fickle nor fanciful; always the same.

 Independent – Free from reliance on others and altogether perfect without any contribution from us.

 Eternal – Without beginning or end.

Jealous – Burning with white hot love for his own.

 Truthful – Neither lies nor deception nor insincerity have a place in his heart.

 Invisible – Too overwhelming and all-consuming to be seen by finite eyes.

 Good – Devoid of evil, malice, or ill-intention.

 Peaceful – He exists in perfect repose, tolerating nothing that might disturb the tranquility of his life.

 Faithful – Never failing to follow through on his promises.

 Sovereign – He rules in accordance with his will, accomplishing all that he pleases.

 Infinite – He knows no limitations in any respect.

 Joyful – He is indescribably excited about being God.

 Happy – He is pleased with who he is and what he does.

 Zealous – He does nothing half-heartedly.

 Wealthy – Everything belongs to him.

 Now that we all know why we exist, let’s praise, proclaim, declare, enjoy, promote, and delight in all that he is in himself and all that he is for us in Jesus!


Thank you. This is helpful to remember on a day that is very challenging. Blessings to you!
I praise Him for you, dear brother !

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