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“What?” you say. A prepositional phrase? How can something so mundane and ordinary be a source of encouragement? Good question. Here’s a good answer. Revelation 17 is an ugly chapter. I’m not being critical of God’s inspired and infallible Word. I’m just being honest. When you read Revelation 17 you encounter a “great prostitute” with whom “the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk” (Rev. 17:2). There’s simply no getting around the fact: this is ugly.

All of us have our favorite Bible verses. Some of us have our favorite Bible books. Mine is Second Corinthians. Perhaps that is due to the fact that it is so profoundly pastoral and describes in detail how Paul interacted with a church that treated him poorly. In any case, if you’ve never studied Second Corinthians I urge you to do so. Here are ten things about the letter that may help you get started.